
Pubblica Time: 2022-04-08     Origine: motorizzato



· 40 gm (1/3 di tazza) dadi.

· Accido di mais da 25 gm.

· 40 gm (50%di tazza-2 cucchiai) zucchero a ghiaccio.

· Farina di grano da 65 gm.

· 2 pinches of baking powder.

· 1 pinch of baking soda.

Step 1:Cream the wheat flour on marble surface using the palm of your hands till shiny. Versare la polvere di zucchero in lotti nella farina di grano crema e panna per disperdere lo zucchero uniformemente.

Step 2:Sieve together nuts, corn starch, powder, Baking Powder, and baking soda.

Step 3:Collect the whole creamed mixture using scrapers and pour the whole nuts mixture on the creamed mixture. Piega la miscela di dadi con le dita ma non impastare.

Step 4:Make small balls (approx.12-13g) from the dough and keep them in a fryer basket.

Step 5:Preheat the air fryer for 5 minutes. Put the dough into the basket and close it properly. Set the preset mode to Cake at 180℃ for 12 minutes.

Step 6:Remove from the Air fryer and cool on the same tray for 25-30 minutes.

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